DOE Environmental Management


HII has successfully managed an extensive range of environmental reclamation and stewardship projects, from highly complex, multi-year remediation of radioactively contaminated sites, facilities, equipment, structures and soils to short-term evaluations of local groundwater quality in anticipation of commercial construction. We safely and successfully conduct required phases of environmental remediation work, from initial investigation through final closure. We apply assessment methodologies designed to fully characterize the nature and extent of potential contaminants in soil, water, air and biota and focus on innovative remediation techniques that can lower overall costs and reduce environmental and human health impacts.


Safely moving toward environmental security

数十年来,HII在其位于弗吉尼亚州纽波特新闻(Newport News)和全国能源部的造船厂安全地操作了核反应堆和处理放射性材料。安全操作的一个关键组成部分是在空气,土壤和地下水中进行严格且连续的放射学监测,以及能够立即做出反应和补救任何计划外的放射性释放的能力。因此,能源部信任HII可以补救受污染的环境,并在长期存储解决方案中安全地运输和保护放射性材料。

Environmental Management Partnerships

Savannah River Site

For more than 10 years, as a partner in the joint venture Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, we have effectively managed and operated the site, supporting critical national security missions and the safe, responsible cleanup of legacy waste. Awarded in 2008, this $12+ billion contract has been extended through Sep. 2022. HII also provides support at the Department of Defense’s Kesselring Site in New York.


HII是合资企业Newport News Nuc BWXT(N3B)的首席合伙人。我们在2017年获得了为期10年,13.9亿美元的Los Alamos清理合同。N3B专注于环境监测和修复,废物管理和处置以及在LANL网站上进行净化和退役。

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