约翰·肯尼迪Christening Remarks

纽波特新闻造船总统詹妮弗·博伊金(Jennifer Boykin)(交付)
约翰·肯尼迪Christening Remarks
Newport News Shipbuilding Ford-Class Aircraft Carriers


It is with great pride that I welcome you to Newport News Shipbuilding, and to the christening of CVN 79,约翰·肯尼迪

Jennifer Boykin Delivers Remarks
纽波特新闻造船总裁詹妮弗·博伊金(Jennifer Boykin)在2019年12月7日为航空母舰约翰·肯尼迪(CVN 79)举行的洗礼仪式上讲话。

Distinguished platform guests…beplay体育官方Huntington Ingalls Industries leadership…Navy flag officers…Elected officials…Union leadership…The CVN 79 crew…Shipbuilders…Ladies and gentlemen…

We are so pleased you could join us and take part in this special day. I would like to extend a special thanks to Father Thomas Ianucci for delivering the invocation…The U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps Color Guard…And the United States Fleet Forces Band…For their roles in opening our ceremony with such patriotic spirit. I’d also like to thank Musician Third Class Amanda Huddleston, for her beautiful performance of the National Anthem. Thank you all.

It’s an honor to welcome such an impressive crowd to our shipyard today as we celebrate the Navy’s newest nuclear-powered aircraft carrier…And the American hero for whom this ship is named.



We also have with us a number of former commanding officers and crew members from the first John F. Kennedy, CV-67…Including the first commanding officer, Rear Admiral Buddy Yates. Thank you all for being here today.

For more than a century, we have christened ships here at Newport News Shipbuilding. It is a Navy tradition in which we are honored to participate. But we are not gathered today to simply christen a ship...We are here to celebrate America’s military might…and the brawn behind it.


今天也标志着我国历史上的重要一天 - 珍珠港袭击78周年。在珍珠港日庆祝这艘船里程碑,这使它更加凄美和相关,因为我们反思了捍卫国家自由和维护世界和平的更高目标。

I speak for every Newport News shipbuilder — 25,000 strong — and the thousands of suppliers across the nation who support us…When I say that we are proud to build the约翰·肯尼迪,CVN 79。

Since the first cut of steel nine years ago, thousands of shipbuilders have brought incredible integrity, skill and innovation to bear, working around the clock…In pouring rain, unrelenting humidity and bitter cold to create this magnificent marvel beside us.


我最近遇到了罗德里克·史密斯(Roddrick Smith)先生,他是帮助建造肯尼迪的焊工之一。他告诉我,他认为造船者应该为与消防员,警察或老师感到自豪,因为我们对更大的利益做出了贡献。但是他继续说,因为我们的船需要数年的时间来建造,并且由于我们经常发现自己的恶劣环境,有时候很难看到大局。

We invited every Newport News shipbuilder to this ceremony today and encouraged them to bring their families…Because I believe few things demonstrate the “big picture” better than this beautifully majestic ship rising from the floor of Dry Dock 12.

但是,如果看到这艘船不会让您震惊,请让我再添加一件事。我们的造船厂 - 纽波特新闻新闻造船的男女 - 是地球上唯一可以建造它的人。他们是无名的英雄……所以,目前,我要求我们所有的造船厂和供应商代表在我们的所有人中站着兑现您对更大利益的贡献。

President Kennedy once said: “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future."

当我们尊重CV 67的历史并庆祝当前的CVN 79奇迹时,我们也展望未来。CVN 79将是最后一架使用传统纸图制造的航空母舰。下一个载体,企业,CVN 80将以数字方式建造在平板电脑上,并结合从这艘船中学到的经验教训。


I am proud that his namesake ship is serving as our proving ground for the new frontier of digital shipbuilding...

And I am even more proud that every day, our shipbuilders answer President Kennedy’s challenge to ask ourselves what we can do for our country…With every foot of cable…Every visual work instruction…Every inspection report…Every design…Every crane lift…Every stroke of paint…And every piece of steel…


And we are proud, that for 133 years, our founding principle and promise still rings true. Shipbuilders past and present, join me when I say…

But always good ships.

这是我们对海军和国家的庄严承诺。我们很高兴欢迎约翰·肯尼迪,CVN 79,进入我们的“好船”。


About HII

HII是全球全域的防御伙伴,建立和交付世界上最强大,可生存的海军船只和技术,可保护我们的海洋,天空,陆地,太空和网络。作为美国最大的造船商,并拥有超过135年的美国国防历史,我们由我们的使命服务,以服务保护我们自由的英雄。HII的多元化劳动力包括熟练的商人;人工智能,机器学习(AI/ML)专家;工程师;技术人员;科学家们;物流专家;和商业专业人员。HII的员工总部位于弗吉尼亚州的总部为44,000。 For more information, visit:
