NNS Suppliers

Supplier Training

Newport News Shipbuilding offers online and onsite supplier training. NNS also utilizes webinars and conferences on targeted subjects.

Overview of Online Supplier Training

Online Supplier Training is free to our existing Suppliers.

NNS offers over forty Online Supplier Training modules. These modules are an ideal starting place for new suppliers and existing suppliers to learn about, or refresh their knowledge on, how to do business with NNS. They also contain foundational information on the NNS procurement process and other technical requirements.

Click the link below to access the registration form. After the form is returned to NNS, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions within two business days.

Sign Up

If you are already registered, click below to gain access to all of the training modules:

Log In

Listing of Online Training Content

NNS also offers onsite supplier training based on the NNS or supplier identified needs. Training is customized to the supplier and typically covers one or a combination of the online training modules. For more information on available onsite supplier training options, please contact[email protected]

If you have any feedback, questions, or any suggested topics for supplier training, please send them to:

[email protected]