黛比·瓦瑟曼·舒尔茨(Debbie Wasserman Schultz)

United States Representative, Florida's 23rd District

Debbie Wasserman Schultz has dedicated her public life to serving South Floridians and standing up for justice, equality, and opportunity wherever and whenever it is threatened. As Florida’s first Jewish Congresswoman, she has earned the respect of her colleagues for working tirelessly on behalf of seniors, children, and families for nearly three decades.

First sworn in to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2005, Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz previously served in the Florida House of Representatives and Florida Senate where she originally displayed her philosophy that there is “no task too small, and no goal too big.”

到达国会仅两个月后,瓦瑟曼·舒尔茨(Wasserman Schultzopposition to President George W. Bush’s involvement in the Terry Schiavo case. Facing a House of Representatives controlled by Republicans, she stood up for civil rights and defended the idea that “Congress is not the appropriate venue to decide end-of-life or any private, personal family dispute.”

国会女议员以捍卫自己的渐进价值观而闻名,还证明了她以两党方式通过有意义的立法的能力。她与前共和党参议员阿伦·斯威特(Arlen Specter)合作,撰写了一项决议 - 由两家国会大厦一致通过,并由布什总统签署 - 宣布梅可能为犹太美国遗产月为了减少反犹太主义,仇恨和偏执。

As a mother of three, Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz has worked to prioritize the safety and security of our nation’s youth. She authored the first federal pool and spa safety legislation – theVirginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act. Since its passage in 2007, there have been no drain entrapment deaths in any public pools in the United States. That same year, she sponsored thePROTECT Our Children Act,这创造了有史以来为保护我们国家青年而制定的最大的执法工作。

After announcing her own battle with breast cancer in 2009, Wasserman Schultz introduced theEARLY Act,一项旨在提高乳腺癌教育和意识的立法。作为《平价医疗法案》的一部分,《早期法案》成为法律,由巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)总统于2010年签署。瓦瑟曼·舒尔茨(Wasserman Schuttz朋友法案, which helps increase young women’s access to mammograms.

国会女议员瓦瑟尔·舒尔茨(Wasserman Schultz)是妇女和女孩的主要倡导者Rape Survivor Child Custody Act鼓励更多国家允许妇女根据明确而令人信服的证据终止强奸犯的父母权利。该法案于2015年由奥巴马总统签署为法律。

目前,瓦瑟曼·舒尔茨(Wasserman Schultz)担任拨款委员会的枢机主教,使历史成为有史以来首位担任军事建筑和退伍军人事务事务小组委员会主席的妇女,在那里她致力于确保我们国家的退伍军人拥有所需的资源和支持。此外,她还在农业小组委员会以及能源和水小组委员会上任职,Wasserman Schultz是努力的主要倡导者protect the Florida Everglades,take bold action on climate change, 和保护我们的空气和水.

In the 117th Congress, Wasserman Schultz also serves on the Committee on Oversight and Reform (COR), which has vast jurisdiction over the government and private sector, and plays a key role in overseeing the Biden Administration.

As Chief Deputy Whip of the Democratic Caucus, Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz has the unique ability to work with and help lead her colleagues in support of a progressive policy agenda. She has been a tireless defender of Social Security and Medicare and is strongly committed to扩大获得质量和负担得起的医疗保健的机会,防止毫无意义的枪支暴力悲剧, 和捍卫所有美国人有权根据法律对待平等对待的基本观念.

Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz attended the University of Florida where she served as president of the Student Senate and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science in 1988 and a Master’s Degree in 1990. She has been married to Steve Schultz for more than 20 years and together they have three children.

瓦瑟曼·舒尔茨(Wasserman Schultz)表示,代表佛罗里达州第23区人民是她职业生涯中最大的特权。一位骄傲的南佛罗里达人代表了布劳沃德和迈阿密戴德县的一部分,国会女议员瓦瑟曼·舒尔茨(Wasserman Schultz)与她的家人一起住在韦斯顿。