船舶赞助商, Maids of Honor & Flower Girl


The Honorable Meredith Berger

After growing up in South Florida, Meredith is proud to be the sponsor of the future USS劳德代尔堡(LPD 28)。

梅雷迪思(Meredith)是海军能源,装置和环境的助理秘书。她还曾在奥巴马 - 比登政府期间担任海军部副局长,在那里她就海军秘书的制定,优先级和执行部门范围的战略,政策,计划和标准咨询了海军部长。。在担任副参谋长的角色之前,她在五角大楼担任辩护人两年,为国防部的主要办公室提供支持。她于2011年加入了奥巴马 - 比登政府,担任环境保护局的政策顾问,在那里,她从事总统工作组,重点是墨西哥湾及其周边地区的长期恢复。她在佛罗里达州首席财务官办公室的公共服务职业生涯开始,在那里她制定并执行了有关气候,保险,风险,能源,公共财务和住房的国家政策。

直到最近,梅雷迪思(Meredith)仍在捍卫民主计划中,她致力于保护民主进程,人和机构免受网络支持的干预,同时推进网络空间中负责任的行为规范。梅雷迪思(Meredith)曾是哈佛肯尼迪学校(Harvard Kennedy School)贝尔弗科学与国际事务中心的非居民研究员。她是海军杰出的平民奖章的秘书,杰出公共服务的国防奖章以及环境保护局的特殊服务金牌。她拥有范德比尔特大学(Vanderbilt University)的美国研究学士学位,西班牙语学士学位,诺瓦东南大学的法学医生,以及哈佛大学肯尼迪学校的公共管理硕士学位。


Charlotte SummerBerger

Maid of Honor,劳德代尔堡(LPD 28)

夏洛特·萨默(Charlotte Summer Berger)七岁,居住在英尺。佛罗里达州劳德代尔。她正在二年级,关于学校的“爱”。夏洛特(Charlotte)有各种各样的兴趣,并且喜欢有新的体验。她喜欢在大沼泽地上度过时光,在那里她可以通过独特的生态系统进行皮划艇并拍摄野生动植物。她还喜欢写作和说明自己的书。她受到美人鱼,独角兽和魔法咒语的启发。她是动物爱好者,有许多宠物,其中包括狗,猫,两条蛇和她的乌龟唐尼。

KAtherine OliviaM散发

Maid of Honor,劳德代尔堡(LPD 28)

Katherine Olivia Messing is eleven years old and lives in Lake Worth, Florida. She attends Christa McAuliffe Middle School where she is in the school chorus. Kate enjoys taking dance and tennis lessons and spending time with her friends. On the weekends you can find her enjoying a good book, practicing her tennis game, or caring for her golden retriever and her pet bunny. Kate is grateful for the opportunity to participate in the christening of the future USS劳德代尔堡

Molly ElizabethM散发

Maid of Honor,劳德代尔堡(LPD 28)

Molly Elizabeth Messing is eight years old and resides in Lake Worth, Florida. She attends Manatee Elementary School and is in the third grade. Molly enjoys performing and taking lessons in acrobatics and playing tennis with her sister. She loves nature and enjoys frequenting the many environmental preserves located throughout South Florida with her family. Molly is happy to be able to take part in this special celebration of the future USS劳德代尔堡

Flower Girl

格蕾丝·丽贝卡·坦纳(Grace Rebecca Tanner)

花季少女,劳德代尔堡(LPD 28)

格蕾丝·丽贝卡·坦纳(Grace Rebecca Tanner)is the daughter of shipbuilder Lee Tanner, General Foreman, Carpenters, who has worked at Ingalls for 13 years. Her mom, Katie Tanner, works for Jackson County School District. Grace has a long line of family members who have worked at Ingalls including her grandfather, JB Garrard. Grace attends East Central Upper Elementary where she really enjoys studying math. Grace enjoys putting her athletic skills to the test by playing on her all-star softball team. She has a love for animals and frequently tunes in to watch The Incredible Dr. Pol as he cares for the animals on his show. Grace cares for her own pet, her dog named Eve. She chose that name because Eve became a part of Grace’s family on Christmas Eve. Grace has two brothers, Gavin and Zachary, and one sister, Whitley.