
迈克·佩特斯(Mike Petters)的言论(准备)
嗨Corporate 劳动力发展



That has little to do with my company, Huntington Ingalls Industries … Though we’re proud to be partnered with the commonwealth to hire as many as 7,000 shipbuilders in Newport News over the next five years.

迈克·佩特斯(Mike Petters)


As a champion of workforce development, I loved the fact that Virginia’s economic incentives included investments in elementary, secondary and higher education. And if I were giving the incentive package an Amazon Customer Rating, I would say it was almost a 5.


You see, at HII, a Fortune 400 company that builds military warships and is the largest manufacturing employer in Virginia—we strongly believe we must do more to invest in the beginning of the workforce development pipeline.






一部分使我们能够建造这些船只,并让它们由我们国家最好的船员组成,这是我们对教育的投资 - 一开始就开始。几年前,我听到当时的海军雷·马布斯(Ray Mabus)秘书谈论该服务的招募挑战。



Now take that to an elementary school classroom. One in four students in that classroom will ultimately be employable. The other three will face challenges that, frankly, we all will pay for.

Ask any pre-school educator, and they will tell you they can predict which of their students will be successful by how they learn in the classroom even at that early age. So pre-K schooling is not only A solution … it is THE solution that can change the future for those students.




  • 幼儿时代是孩子获得21世纪工作所需的许多技能(包括认知和性格技能)所需的许多技能的时期。
  • Children’s brains develop 1 million synapses—the neural connections that support learning and skills—every second. By age 3, a child’s brain has reached about 85 percent of its adult weight.
  • Disadvantaged children can start kindergarten as much as 18 months behind their peers. Many of these children never catch up and are at increased risk of dropping out of high school.

A large part of the problem is that public education—in most of the United States, at least—doesn’t begin until a child is 5, and some parents will even “red shirt” their children until they’re 6.



And only 67 percent of 4-year-olds are enrolled in a pre-school program. The OECD average is 88 percent.





And any educator will tell you that it’s much preferred—with a higher chance of success—to prevent problems at the beginning of a child’s education than in the middle or especially toward the end of secondary school.

This is where the discussion shifts from strictly educational issues to socioeconomic ones—like cost and accessibility.


What if one of the parents doesn’t work? Or what if it’s a single parent—which, according to data from the organization Kids Count—is the case for 31 percent of the families in Virginia …


有些孩子去Pre-K的事实是因为他们的家人能够负担得起,而其他孩子不去,因为他们的家人不能……在正规公共教育开始之前,在“ haves”和“ haves-nots”之间造成了裂痕。

We see the consequences down the line, and that’s a shrinking pool of applicants years before most workforce development efforts begin. Government wrestles with this issue all the time, but let’s talk about what businesses can do.


To my colleagues in the business community: We can—and should—take a leadership role. And we should work with government and education to do so.


Bill Ermatinger, who many of you know, is our chief human resources officer. He serves as chairman of the Virginia Early Childhood Foundation’s board of directors. He’s also a board member and past chair of the Virginia Chamber of Commerce, which published “Blueprint Virginia 2025” last December. And Jennifer Boykin, president of HII’s Newport News Shipbuilding division, was vice chair for the effort.


  • Improve access to affordable, high-quality early childhood education for Virginia’s working families.
  • Encourage employer policies and strategies that support access to high-quality early learning for families.
  • 通过确保获得负担得起的能力建设证书并探索重视和保留该人才库的策略来保护早期的教育劳动力。
  • 扩大公私合作伙伴关系和弗吉尼亚学龄前倡议的混合交付。
  • 建立一个综合的幼儿数据系统,以告知融资和决策决策并促进问责制。
  • 创建一个综合的公私融资模型,以促进为高危儿童提供创新,灵活和协作的方法。
  • 探索基于绩效的融资政策,这些政策是弗吉尼亚州质量改进框架的一部分,激励和维持高质量的幼儿服务。

我们还在Newport News Shipbuilding的Chavis Harris上担任弗吉尼亚州筹码的董事会成员,该网络负责增加成千上万弗吉尼亚州的低收入儿童及其家人获得医疗保健的机会。

在密西西比州的Ingalls造船部门,丹妮丝·琼斯(Denise Jones)在Excel的董事会中由5(一个基于社区的计划)登上Excel董事会,该计划强调了社区在成长期间对孩子教育的重要角色。


In Newport News, we contribute every year to Smart Beginnings of the Peninsula, an initiative that creates community commitment to the school readiness of young children. Newport News Shipbuilding also supports the Downtown Hampton Child Development Center, one of the highest-rated child care facilities in the state and an integral part of our community.



And that may be a hard truth for some to believe. Especially if you, like me, did not go to pre-K or even kindergarten. I didn’t start school until first grade myself.


The work environment was a different place and, indeed, education was different than it is today. We didn’t know about how the brain developed at such an early age like we do today.



So whether you represent government, business, schools, parents, child care providers, faith communities—you drive the effort to lay the groundwork for school success and a more prosperous community.




If you do, we will ALL reap the rewards. And remember: This isn’t just an issue for Virginia or for my business or for yours. This is an issue for our country. It’s a national security issue.



Think about how much stronger we could be if we were recruiting from a talent pool not of 25 percent, but of 50 or 75 or 100 percent. Early education for all can get us there.

结束时,我将归功于这家具有里程碑意义的酒店的同名。我们都知道托马斯·杰斐逊(Thomas Jefferson)的许多成就以及他对教育的价值。


1800年,当他担任副总统时,杰斐逊在给约瑟夫·普里斯特利(Joseph Priestley)的一封信中写道:



And he would want Virginia to lead the way.


About HII

HII是全球全域的防御伙伴,建立和交付世界上最强大,可生存的海军船只和技术,可保护我们的海洋,天空,陆地,太空和网络。作为美国最大的造船商,并拥有超过135年的美国国防历史,我们由我们的使命服务,以服务保护我们自由的英雄。HII的多元化劳动力包括熟练的商人;人工智能,机器学习(AI/ML)专家;工程师;技术人员;科学家们;物流专家;和商业专业人员。HII的员工总部位于弗吉尼亚州的总部为44,000。 For more information, visit:
