
纽波特新闻造船厂总裁詹妮弗·博伊金(Jennifer Boykin)
Newport News Shipbuilding

谢谢你,晚上好。今晚在这里见到你们中的许多人真是太好了,海军行动负责人约翰·理查森(John Richardson)能够与我们同在,这尤其很棒。我要感谢克里斯托弗·纽波特大学(Christopher Newport University)举办的展览,该展览在探索当今的创新和明天的创新期间纪念过去。

一个多世纪以来,纽波特新闻造船公司(Newport News Shipbuilding)建造了世界上最具标志性的船只。今天,我们有20,000名造船商继续这一遗产。其中包括11个或更长时间以上连续服务的女性和男性。我们称他们为造船商。

Jennifer Boykin Greets CNO
右边的纽波特新闻造船总统詹妮弗·博伊金(Jennifer Boykin)在美国海军首席海军首席海军官员约翰·理查森(John Richardson)和他的妻子达娜·理查森(Dana Richardson)迎接约翰·理查森(John Richardson),并于9月14日开幕“ 12探险家和创新时代”展览开幕式。在纽波特新闻的克里斯托弗·纽波特大学。hii照片

At the other end of the spectrum, we have our new generation shipbuilders – Millennials and Generation Z – who work side by side with our veteran employees. As you may expect, our Master Shipbuilders instill in us their knowledge and know-how, and we can’t help but feel a sense of pride and patriotism when they speak about the legacies they’ve helped to build over four-plus decades. But what’s equally incredible to witness is our Master Shipbuilders learning and gaining knowledge from our newer employees, who are sharing their technology expertise to solve problems.

I strongly believe in harnessing the ideas of our workforce, and this includes our newest employees. Although they aren’t experts in the traditional sense of the word, our younger workforce is also not encumbered by the mindset of “this is how we’ve always done it.” They possess limitless ideas of what could be.

当已故的伟大诗人戴维·鲍伊(David Bowie)在《太空奇怪》中唱歌时,“今天的星星看起来有所不同。”我们每天都看到这一点 - 人们的思考方式不同……人们学习,人们想象并重塑商业模式。Uber,Airbnb和Netflix就是很好的例子。

在制造业世界中,首先是蒸汽和水力。然后电力和装配线;然后计算机化。现在,我们正处于第四次工业革命之中 - 使工厂“聪明” - 拥有人工智能的机器可以可视化整个生产链并自行做出决策。我们在纽波特新闻造船厂的风口浪尖。



There’s an expression that “better sameness in not innovation.” The technologies we are exploring today are not better sameness. They are all about making dramatic changes in the way we do business at Newport News Shipbuilding.


We are pioneering reality capture for shipbuilding and maintenance, using laser scanning to analyze existing ship spaces more efficiently. This innovative approach significantly reduces the time it takes to perform ship checks on aircraft carriers, saving the Navy millions of dollars.

在我们的造船厂内,我们有一个世界一流的,世界著名的增强现实团队Dogfish Labs。他们已成为工业增强现实的主题专家,使造船厂和海军能够看到数字信息,例如安全警告,或者将未来结构的放置放置在其实际周围环境中,在任何事物永久建造之前。我们还处于海军材料添加剂制造的前沿,我们正在努力在两年内将第一个印刷金属零件安装在核军舰上。


The fourth industrial revolution requires new ways of thinking, and new leaders – leaders like those of you attending CNU, and those non-traditional students pursing vocational education. There is a real need for American shipbuilding and manufacturing prowess in today’s world, and it’s a challenge we are ready to tackle.

I recently had the honor of riding sea trials on our newest aircraft carrier, Gerald R. Ford – the first new carrier design since the 1970s. It was designed in a 3-D product model, and it is an engineering marvel. You’ve probably heard these slogans before, but they bear repeating. United States Aircraft Carriers are:


The digital advances I spoke of earlier will keep Ford carriers relevant while making them less costly for the Navy to maintain. Today, Newport News Shipbuilding is the sole builder and refueler of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, and only one of two builders of nuclear-powered submarines. We are grateful that for 131 years, our ships have been made in America, in Newport News, by the world’s greatest shipbuilders. But we also know that longevity alone is no guarantee. In fact, we see the risk in overestimating this. That’s why we are working hard every day to innovate, to rethink and reinvent the business of shipbuilding.

今天,我们正在向前迈进 - 致力于建立专注于人员和技术的未来,而不仅仅是为了当今的劳动力和水手 - 而是为他们的孩子和孩子的孩子。在今晚像你们许多人一样的未来创新者的帮助下,我相信我们将成功地做到这一点。

Thank you very much for allowing me the opportunity to share some of the great things underway at Newport News Shipbuilding… and by the way, we’re hiring!


HII is a global, all-domain defense partner, building and delivering the world’s most powerful, survivable naval ships and technologies that safeguard our seas, sky, land, space and cyber. As America’s largest shipbuilder and with a more than 135-year history of advancing U.S. national defense, we are united by our mission in service of the heroes who protect our freedom. HII’s diverse workforce includes skilled tradespeople; artificial intelligence, machine learning (AI/ML) experts; engineers; technologists; scientists; logistics experts; and business professionals. Headquartered in Virginia, HII’s workforce is 44,000 strong. For more information, visit:
